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Soulful Heart Services

There are many services we can provide for individuals, groups or businesses.  Tap here to take you to the page or simple scroll through and read all the services provided:

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Holistic Counselling

A Holistic Counsellor is an accredited role, however, a non medical role.  Holistic Counselling addresses the whole person and takes into consideration all the different aspects of a person's life.  We acknowledge the past, however, our goal is to move forward. 

We work with the mind, body & soul, seeking happiness as a fundamental right. 

  • We listen to what the clients want in their life (MIND). 

  • Assist to unbolt the doors that block them and stop from pursuing dreams & desires developing a strong sense of self-worth and true purpose (SOUL).

  • Provide the tools to work through the issues with achievable physical goals (BODY) creating a life they deserve.

We do not replace a medical professional and strongly advice to seek their advice and continue medications as required.

  • Individuals

  • Corporate/Businesses

  • Schools

  • Mental Health Facilities

  • Anywhere/anyone that requires our counselling services and open to the alternative services listed.

  • Read more here


Chair Yoga  & Meditation

This is a beautiful calm program for individuals who may be chair bound, bed bound, limited in their movement or simply cannot find the right exercise for themselves but would like to find their inner self through breath work encouraging movement of the nerves, muscles and joints (where possible).

Chair Yoga is particularly beneficial (and makes some of the traditional yoga poses possible in a different way for people who are

  • elderly

  • physically disabled

  • bed/hospital bound

  • obese

  • chronic illness

  • confined to small spaces for any length of time (e.g. office workers or travellers)

  • Rehabilitation Recovery programs

  • Suffering Social Anxiety (can't attend classes) 

Our Classes are available for individuals or groups and can be held in any format or location such as:

  • Online

  • Workplace

  • Senior citizen centres

  • Retirement villages

  • Aged care facilities

  • Adult respite centres

  • Schools

  • Hospitals

Classes involve light movements but powerful mindful awareness.  Classes can be a little as simple yoga movements or long classes to include yoga movements followed by Meditation (guided & visual).

Chair Yoga & Meditation
Holistic Counselling
End Of Life Doula/Consultant

End of Life Consultant | Doula

Memorial Candle

Death.  It is a word rarely used unless we are in a situation where we have to.  We are in control of our lives - lifestyle, work, friendships, loved ones - but have we thought about controlling our end too?  The role of a Doula is to serve the living and whilst we are still breathing, we are not dead which means we deserve every ounce of respect for our end that is deserved.  

Why wait until you can't think or function anymore?  Plan ahead, discuss with your loved ones and park it for "that day".  It is inevitable.  We are all born to die so why ignore end matters.  Take control before everyone else does.

The Doula role here is two-fold:


End of Life Consultant

  • Assisting with organising end of life affairs:

    • Advanced Care Directives​

    • Last Wishes directives (from coffin, to flowers to favourite songs

    • Consultation on

      • sustainable, green funerals

      • Home funerals (yes, they are real) 

      • Wills

    • Comprehensive Funeral Planner

    • Funeral Celebrant (home funerals & existing EOL Doula clients only)

End of Life Doula

  • Counselling

    • for the dying, grieving & bereaved

    • preparing to die (dying & family)

    • for Cancer Warriors and recently diagnosed end of life prognosis

  • Respite provider to families

  • Companionship for the dying

  • Vigil Sitter

  • Meditation Guidance​

  • Chair Yoga

  • Grief Counselling

Services may take place at any location required such as:

  • Home

  • Nursing Home

  • Hospice/Palliative Care

  • Hospital

NB: this is a non-medical role and does not in any way replace medical teams such as palliative care, nurses & doctors & other professional medical services involved.

Want more on this new role in Australia?  Click here for full details.


Meditation Anywhere, Anytime, Anyhow

We hear the word Meditation and some of us automatically think sitting in a motionless spot, eyes closed and a must to reach you focus in being in the moment.  Zen Meditation, Guided Meditation, Muscle relaxation, Breathwork, Focused Meditation and Mindfulness .  Standing, sitting, laying down and my favorite, walking!  You can even doing it in a handstand pose.  Face to face, online, recorded, during a Chair Yoga session.  This journey of Meditation is to help you achieve your goals.

Meditation is one tool used during counselling sessions or if you know what you prefer, skip the counselling and let's work on what it is you want to achieve by meditating.

Meditation assists with calming the mind and giving you some peace.  It gives you control to relax but most of all to cope with stress and refocus your mind.  It is not always when things are dire.  Meditation is almost like going to the gym.  Can be done daily or a few times a week.  It can also, however, be situational.  When distressed, grieving, tired, bad news, good news - meditation will help you re-centre to move forward.

Join one of our groups or contact me to develop a meditation just for you, your current situation and goal you wish to achieve.


One Hour Free Consultation

You need to be comfortable with our alternative services so why not contact us for a free hour face to face (online or in person) consultation where we will run through the services in detail

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