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Grief Counselling

Some of us associate grief with death, however, grief is a natural response to loss - any loss.  This could mean infertility, pregnancy loss, financial changes, relationships, job loss, change or demotion, pet death or rehoming.  Triggers can also be experienced by empty nesters, divorces, house/locality moves.  As you can see, it is not just about death but the circumstances of change that leaves you with a hole in your heart.

Grief can manifest in many forms mentally and physically.   It can affect every part of our life including our emotions, thought patterns and behavioral attitudes.  Some turn to  beliefs, others lose their faith.  Physical health deteriorates with a sense of self worth deteriorating.  Depression, anxiety, loneliness are just some of the emotions that affects the mental and physical affects of grief.

Grief counselling is a way of freeing us to live again.

Image by Pierre Bamin

Grief Counselling

Unresolved grief festers like an old wound.  Grief work frees us to live again.  

As a Holistic Grief and Loss Counsellor,  clients are provided with coping skills, emotional support and resources to help navigate through the grieving process.

Grief in Bereaving

This is one of the toughest grief to navigate through.  It comes with a different set of emotions to other types of grief (although in no way minimising anyone else's grief).  There is often an association of guilt and a fear of when working through grief it may mean denying the death or letting go of the loved one or worse still, forgetting.  This is definitely not so.  Grief Counselling for the loss of a loved one (Bereavement) is about adjusting to live a life without that person in the physical life but adjusting to a new life with the memory lived with the loved one.  The pain eases but the memory doesn't have to  ever go away.

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